Georgia DUI Laws

Georgia DUI Laws – DUI Penalties in Georgia

The area of Georgia DUI law that is very strict concerns license suspension times. While fines and jail sentences either are on par or lower than most states, suspensions are rather severe for repeat offenders, with an indefinite suspension after the fourth violation.

Consequences for Refusing to Take Chemical Tests

Georgia DUI Laws and PenaltiesUnlike Florida, where suspensions for refusing to take a chemical test are rather lenient, Georgia suspensions for refusing to take the test are on par with DUI conviction suspensions. Being an implied consent state, these suspensions will be in place regardless of the outcome of your case.

  • First offense – one year suspension
  • Second offense – three year suspension
  • Third offense – five year suspension

Challenging BAC Levels in Court

Georgia blood alcohol content (BAC) levels are consistent with other states:

  • Drivers that are 21 years or older, .08 percent
  • Drivers under the age of 21, .02 percent
  • Commercial drivers, .04 percent

Is There Mandatory Jail Time Required for a DUI in Georgia?

Maximum jail sentences for a DUI in Georgia are similar to other states, but minimum sentences are fairly lenient. All mandatory sentences are posted below:

  • First time offenders – 24 hours to one year in jail
  • Second time offenders – three days to one year in jail
  • Third time offenders – 15 days to one year in jail
  • Fourth time offenders – one year to five years in jail

The washout or lookback period in Georgia is ten years.

Monetary Fines and Penalties for DUI in Georgia

Both minimum and maximum monetary fines are about average compared to the rest of the country:

  • First offense – fines ranging from $300 to $1,000
  • Second offense – fines ranging from $600 to $1,000
  • Third offense – fines ranging from $1,000 to $5,000
  • Fourth offense – fines ranging from $1,000 to $5,000

License Suspension for DUI in Georgia

While first offenders face a maximum license suspension of one year, suspension times escalate significantly from that point forward:

  • First offense – up to one year
  • Second offense – three year mandatory suspension
  • Third offense – five year mandatory suspension
  • Fourth offense – indefinite suspension

IID installation is court appointed on second offense and mandatory from that point forward.

Finding a DUI Attorney in Georgia

While not at the top end of penalties or fines, Georgia does have very strict DUI penalties and fines in place. If arrested and charged for a DUI in Georgia, it would be prudent to hire a local attorney specializing in DUI law. Where can you find an attorney? Fill out the Free DUI Arrest Evaluation form for attorney recommendations as well as an examination of your DUI arrest in Georgia.

4 thoughts on “Georgia DUI Laws”

  1. How much does a dui attorney usually cost in georgia? Im 18 and was convicted with a dui last night. It is my first offense, though I also have had one ticket in the past.

    • A First DUI offense can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $5,000 depending on the lawyer and details of the arrest. Fill out the DUI Evaluation Form to talk to one of our sponsoring lawyers and find out how much it will cost!

  2. I am desperate for an attorney in Georgia but do not have the funds to pay for one. I was taking medication, methadone where three others cops had people pulled over. On my methadone bottles it does not say do not drink while taking this, or any warning labels. When the officer asked me where I was going I told him the methadone clinic and at that point I felt like he made his mind up. He never read me meta da rights or hand cuffed me. It was 9:30am in the morning. Where he pulled me over there are multiple turning lanes. Where he wrote a traffic ticket I was on the wrong side of the road. Also in the car he said “I tell you what I will drop one of the traffic tickets” I am a first time offender, 40 years old never been in any trouble before. I let him search my car, he found nothing illegal. I did the field sobriety test and passed. Finally he said would you take a blood test? I’ve never been in this situation and felt like he wanted to take me to jail. Please please help, it would be so appreciated!

    • Hi Melinda, since this is your first time they might show leniency. Getting a lawyer is critical with a first DUI offense. Otherwise they will give you a conviction and possible jail time. My advice is to borrow money any way you can for a lawyer.


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